Become A Certified Food Forest Designer

Online training at your own pace by Louis De Jaeger
Organized by Commensalist in collaboration with Food Forest Institute

Online community
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De opleiding start op 15 januari 2023

Wie inschrijft voor 1 januari 2023 krijgt 10% vroegboek korting met kortingscode: NEWYEAR

Keep in mind that our courses fill up quickly, so early registration is the message. 


Our mission is to restore as many hectares of land worldwide as possible, which is why we share all our knowledge with you

The training we once wanted to follow

Louis De Jaeger has perfected a food forest design methodology together with the Commensalist® team. 

Years of research, tested with reality, bundled in an online training with a step-by-step plan that enables anyone who commits to become a food forest designer in half a year. jaar tijd. jaar tijd.  

A certificate to show to future customers

It is our mission to plant as many food forests worldwide as possible, where appropriate. To do this we need an army of food forest designers.

It is important for yourself and for potential customers to be able to demonstrate that you have sufficient knowledge and skills. You will receive the official FFDC certificate after successfully completing the online training.


24/7 Online community

15 januari 2023 start je de opleiding niet alleen, maar met een groep gelijkgezinde mensen.

We make sure that you first of all get to know each other better, there is peer-to-peer learning, we can learn from each other's successes and much more.

Zin in een carrièreswitch?


If you still have questions after watching the film material, a team is ready to answer your questions. First check whether the questions have already been answered, if not, ask the question via the specials Q&A form.

26 Weeks

As a participant you have an average of one week per module. Some modules take longer, others less. This is more than enough to absorb all the knowledge

Interactieve video lessen

Learning is the most fun thing there is, which is why we make our video lessons as interesting as possible. With infographics, demonstrations in the field, 3D renderings, ... we know how to captivate you until your graduation ceremony.



To pass 'Designer' and 'Teacher' you must complete an internship of at least 10 days at a food forest or natural nut or fruit grower in your area.

This training is the best coat rack you'll find, but it's the away-from-your-screen experiences that will determine your level.

Challenging assignments

We take the quality of this course very seriously. We only give the certificate to participants that we know 100% that they are ready for the work field.

To guarantee this, you will receive various assignments and we will test your knowledge on a permanent basis during the various modules.

Be in our designer database

Once you have obtained your certificate, you will enter our online database of professional food forest designers 

This allows future customers in your area to find you and you are immediately informed about new jobs. Het eerste jaar is dit gratis. Het eerste jaar is dit gratis. 

Louis De Jaeger

Founder of Food Forest Design Course

Taking responsibility now ensures that later you can look your grandchildren straight in the eye.

Bill Mollison

Founder of Permaculture

In the early 1970s, it dawned on me that no one had ever applied design to agriculture. When I realized it, the hairs went up on the back of my neck. It was so strange.

We’d had agriculture for 7,000 years, and we’d been losing for 7,000 years — everything was turning into desert. So I wondered, can we build systems that obey ecological principles?

Maybe you've wanted to realize your food forest dream for some time, but you don't know how to get started?

Compare the plans

View the course content

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,


Module 1 :

The current agricultural and climate problems


Module 2 :

Why a food forest?


Module 3 :

What is a food forest?


Module 4 :

Food forest ethics


Module 5 :

Why do you want a food forest?


Module 6 :

Rent, buy, borrow land


Module 7 :

Mapping your terrain


Module 8 :



Module 9 :

Financial planning


Module 10 :

The different zones


Module 11 :

The scale of permanence


Module 12 :

The design structure


Module 13 :

Planting distances


Module 14 :

Planting examples


Module 15 :

Natural planting distances


Module 16 :

Plant guilds


Module 17 :

The right plant in the right place


Module 18 :

Top 100 food forest plants


Module 19 :

Soil preparation



Module 20 :

The planting


Module 21 :



Module 22 :

Propagating plants


Module 23 :

Community & edible landscape


Vergelijk opleidingen

Voor jezelf


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✓ Designer Certificate
✓ Designer + Teacher certificate

Final assignment: a design to frame

You can only get the certificate as a designer if you are actually able to make a design for a customer. As a final exercise of this training you will make a design in which you can process all the knowledge you have acquired.

In this assignment, all modules come together, you learn to communicate with customers, observe the terrain several times, choose the right plants and make a planting list. A package with which your customer can get started.


A great experience, full of information to get started with according to everyone's approach and application. You return home with a basket full of "WORK" and a range of inspiration

Minne D.

"Great Distinction". That sets the bar very high for the courses that will follow this one. I learned a lot in a very pleasant setting. Just about all important aspects were covered in a program with a lot of variety (inside – outside; theory – practice). Great to get the necessary helicopter - view of a food forest - project. In short, keep it up!

Yves V.

Very extensive and fascinating course in a beautiful setting and with a great group. The lesson content was very extensive. I liked the fact that you are immersed in the world of food forests with like-minded people.

Ilja H.

Very cool: met nice people (both teachers and students); the group was not too big/too small;

Evelyn V.


For yourself

If you want to learn to design your own piece of land
  • Teaching material available for 1 year
  • Access to Q&A
  • Access to the online community
  • Certificate of participation


Train others to become designers
  • Teaching material available for 1 year
  • Access to Q&A
  • Access to the online community
  • Course available as audio files
  • Internship assignment
  • Design assignment
  • Intense teacher assignment
  • Live 2-day training in Brussels
  • Food Forest Designer Certificate
  • Food Forest Teacher Certificate
  • 1 year profile in database designers (renewable)
  • 1 year profile in the teacher database (renewable)


De belangrijkste elementen uit de cursus staan bovenaan deze pagina: 23 modules, de instructie filmpjes, Q&A, 24/7 online community, uitdagende opdrachten, leuke kennis toetsen, illustraties om de materie nog beter te begrijpen en het FFDC certificaat zelf als je voor Designer of Teacher gaat.

De eerstvolgende opleiding start op 15 januari 2022. Je krijgt vroegboek korting als je je voor 1 januari 2023 inschrijft. 

Then you have to wait for a new batch to start.

One or more modules are made available every week. You have the chance to ask questions about things you don't understand, which will be answered for the whole group to learn from. You will also have to make one or more tests/assignments each time. Every day you can visit the closed food forest student community to ask each other questions.


You can complete the online Food Forest Design Course at your own pace. However, it is recommended to invest at least 4 hours per week. That way you stay in the flow.

Your enthusiasm and drive is the most important thing you need. In addition, you basically have enough with a computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection, a pencil, eraser and paper.

We are 100% convinced that you will appreciate the value of this course, after all it is the most complete online food forest design course we know.

Is this course not for you for some reason? Then you will receive the course fee immediately after 14 days.

The course is largely based on the book: “Design your own food forest” by Louis De Jaeger. The book will help you to understand everything in a more structured way, but you can also follow the course without the book.

This is the grand final! All the information you have learned so far comes together in a design assignment with all the trimmings. 
If you go for teacher, the final assignment (in addition to the design final assignment) is to create a brand new module, which you can record yourself on film, which will be used in subsequent editions of this training. Together we determine the content that best suits your interests.
Kies welke formule het best bij je past, klik op inschrijven. Hierna ga je naar een beveiligde pagina waar je kan betalen. Dit neemt zo’n 2 min. in beslag 🙂 En dan… welkom aan boord!

10 dagen stage doen in een voedselbos of een organisatie/bedrijf dat iets te maken heeft met voedselbossen (boomkweker, kleinfruit, …). Het is je eigen verantwoordelijkheid om de stageplek te contacteren, de stagedata vast te leggen en je stage naar behoren uit te voeren. Hier verwachten we een grote inspanning in zelfredzaamheid.

We offer this course to students all over the world, each country has different laws regarding internships. So first check in your region how you can do this best. The only thing we can give to authorities is a letter explaining this training.


You can only follow this if you are registered for “Teacher”. 

Because the art of teaching is best discussed in 'real life', we will schedule a 2-day in Brussels to prepare you for teaching the food forest. Assignments are linked to this. 

The two days are consecutive. Light lunch and lessons are included. Breakfast, dinner and overnight stay are not included. The data is recorded in consultation with the participants. Lichte lunch en lessen zijn inbegrepen. Het ontbijt, avondmaal en de overnachting zijn niet inbegrepen. De data worden in samenspraak met de deelnemers vastgelegd.

You can always upgrade formula. For example, you can later upgrade from “For yourself” to “Designer” or “Teacher. Or from “Designer” to “Teacher”. 

Reduction of formula is not allowed, unless you change your mind after 14 days.

This training is made for all climate zones. The general principles are applicable everywhere. 

We ourselves are in a temperate climate, which means that most of the focus is on this.

If your terrain/working area is located in a different climate, you can still follow the training. When in doubt: register, start the course and you have 14 days to change your mind.


As the name implies, this is a food forest design cursus. design cursus.

We collect all the people who have obtained the Food Forest Design Certificate on a website so that future customers can find you more easily.

This is free for the first year. After that, a membership costs €100 ex. VAT per year: with this you stay on the database and you have access to updates within the food forest course itself (such as new lesson series,…).

If you ask this question, it is best to follow the 'for yourself' training. You can follow this completely at your own pace: everything is allowed, nothing is mandatory. 

If you are going for a 'designer' or 'teacher', this training is quite intensive: you get all kinds of assignments and the quality requirements to obtain the certificate are high.

Geen probleem 🙂 Stuur gerust een mailtje naar en dan antwoorden we je zo snel mogelijk!

Wij willen de opleidingen zo toegankelijk en inclusief mogelijk maken. Is budget een grote drempel voor je en wil je de opleiding toch volgen? 

Vul dan dit formulier in en dan nemen we contact met je op.

For yourself
Geen verplichte opdrachten. Wel vrijblijvende testvragen bij de modules.


  1. Stage: Minstens 10 dagen.
  2. Design: Maak een ontwerp van een voedselbos naar keuze: je eigen plek, een tuin of terrein van vrienden, familie of kennissen.
  3. Eindopdracht: Een design opdracht van een project dat je van ons zal krijgen.
  4. Analyse opdracht: je krijgt één of meerdere designs waarvan jij analyseert wat de sterktes en zwaktes zijn.


  1. Bovenstaande opdrachten
  2. Live opleiding Brussel
  3. Eindopdracht teacher